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We are delighted to present a freely downloadable copy of Alternative Futures: India Unshackled, as a full book and also as individual sections and chapters. This is to fulfil a commitment that we as editors and our publisher AuthorsUpFront had made when the book was published in November 2017. It will enable access to the book for those who cannot afford or for other reasons prefer not to have a hard copy. The printed copy will of course continue to be available.
This book is a unique collection of 35 essays on India’s future, by a diverse set of authors – activists, researchers, mediapersons, those who have influenced policies and those working at the grassroots. It brings together scenarios of an India that is politically and socially egalitarian, radically democratic, economically sustainable and equitable, and socio-culturally diverse and harmonious.
Since its publication, the book has been received well in critical reviews, as also in various circles where it has been noticed. Some universities in India and abroad have decided to put it into their recommended readings for students of various subjects.
Divided into four sections—Ecological Futures, Political Futures, Economic Futures and Socio-Cultural Futures—the book covers a wide range of issues including environmental governance, biodiversity, democracy and power, law, agriculture, pastoralism, industry, languages, learning and education, knowledge, health and sexuality among others. Most essays include both futuristic scenarios and present initiatives that demonstrate the possibility of such futures.
Please note that the book is published under Creative Commons licence, which means you can download, print, disseminate for non-commercial use, copy as you like, as also use material from the text in ways you feel appropriate, with due credit.
There is however one earnest request. If you do download, it would be nice if you put in a comment on why you are doing so, and how you intend using it.
Additionally, we’d love to receive your comments on the content, and on how (or if!) you have found it useful. You can write to us at [email protected] (Ashish) and/or [email protected] (Joy).
Thanks!Download Links
1. Alternative Futures India Unshackled (Complete Book)
2. Foreword, Preface and Introduction
3. Contents and Author Profiles
4. Acknowledgements and Commendations
5. Individual sections from the book
- Ecological Futures
- Political Futures
- Economic Futures
- Socio-cultural Futures
- Concluding Perspectives
6. Individual essays from the book
- Changing natures: A democratic and dynamic approach to biodiversity conservation Kartik Shanker, Meera Anna Oommen, Nitin Rai
- Environmental governance in future India: Principles, structures, and pathways Sharachchandra Lele and Geetanjoy Sahu
- The future of water in India Shripad Dharmadhikary and Himanshu Thakkar
- Energy futures in India Harish Hande, Vivek Shastry, Rachita Mishra
- The power equation and India’s future Pallav Das
- Allowing people to shape our democratic future Aruna Roy, Nikhil Dey, Praavita Kashyap with the MKSS
- Legal futures for India Arpitha Kodiveri
- For a radical social democracy: Imagining possible Indian future/s Aditya Nigam
- Multilinear critical theory: For a society of liberated humanity Bharat Patankar
- The future world order and India’s role in shaping it Muchkund Dubey
- Pastoral futures in India Ilse KÖhler-Rollenfson and Hanwant Singh Rathore
- Anna Swaraj: A vision for food sovereignty and agro-ecological resurgence Bharat Mansata, Kavitha Kuruganti, Vijay Jardhari, Vasant Futane
- Crafts show the way for Indian industrialization Uzramma
- Industry, workers, and nation: Dreaming the good dream Dunu Roy
- Regionalization and localization of economies: A preliminary sketch for an ecological imperative Aseem Shrivastava and Elango Rangasamy
- Biomass-based rural revitalization in future India K. J. Joy
- Dare to dream M. P. Parameswaram
- Future bazaar in India Rajni Bakshi
- Reimagining India’s urban future Rakesh Kapoor
- Alternative transportation in future India Sujit Patwardhan
- Technological alternatives for Indian futures Dinesh Abrol
- Between diversity and aphasia: The future of languages in India Ganesh Devy
- Future of learning in Indian schools Rajesh Khindri and Tultul Biswas
- The future of arts in India: Challenges and opportunities towards revitalization and sustainability Sudha Gopalakrishnan
- Future of alternative media in India Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
- Knowledge futures: Democratic values and learning capacities for sustainability Rajeshwari S Raina
- Health systems in future India Abhay Shukla and Rakhal Gaitonde
- Imagining utopia: The importance of love, dissent, and radical empathy Arvind Narrain
- Envisioning dalit futures Anand Teltumbde
- Envisioning India without gender and patriarchy? Why not? Manisha Gupte
- Future of religious minorities in India Irfan Engineer
- A vision for adivasis Gladson Dungdung