Savitri Nanda
Savitri Nanda was born on July 3rd 1982.
“I am a woman, who in the eighth grade wrote a story of eight pages as a class assignment. The story was then continued in the summer of 1997. It was started in January of ‘97. After January, in February my mother came to visit me in the U.S.A. from Italy and she said that she loved the story. I was living with my uncle,
aunt and cousin for almost two years.
Due to a major car accident in ‘94, I was in a coma for three months. And I think that the story is related to my dreams during my unconsciousness. I have also lived in India for thirteen years of my life, and I think that the story is also related to India.
This book is dedicated to my English teacher, Linda Rief, whom I love so much and who taught me how to write English better, since I have always studied French.
The purpose of this book is to remind people that there are many other lives in this Universe, since it is so vast.”