Bureau of Romantic Investigations (BRI) is romantic comedy-drama set on a university campus surrounded by hills in North India. A small team of professors led by Prof. Bakshi forms an open court where couples can come and express their anguish and frustrations toward each other. The court can be visited by any student of the university who wishes to learn from other people’s experiences.
BRI explores campus life not just from the fluffy romantic comedy angle but also explores different themes like heartbreak, college rage, flirtations, casual sex, one-night stands, commitment issues, committed relationships and similar experiences.
BRI, as a story, addresses the concerns of an age ruled by hormones and compassionately explores what today’s generation feels about love.
The story also features a key central character, Jai – a guy in his late 20s who became a faculty member after his failed startup and, consequently, his failed relationship. Initially, he hates his teaching job, but as he becomes more involved in the Bureau, he begins to enjoy helping students. This, in turn, helps him question his internal belief system.