Edited by Achala Moulik, The Teller of Tales is a delightful collection of stories told by Uncle Ram to his three young charges. He tells them about strange kingdoms under the sea, of enchanted forests, birds who guide, demons who wear diamonds and flowers which reveal royal secrets. These tales of good queens, wicked witches and brave journeys have a timeless appeal for children. Each story has a message of how kind thoughts and good deeds are rewarded.
The Treaty of Versailles and Remaking of the World (1919-2019)
₹475.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
The Treaty of Versailles and Remaking of the World 1919–2019 commemorates the Treaty and its epochal aftermath across a century. The authors narrate the causes of World War I; the growth of two rival European camps, their conflicting imperial ambitions, the subjugation of Asia and Africa, the glorification of militarism and the commencement of a frenetic arms race.