Life and Living
₹499.00Print edition available on Amazon India | Amazon USA | Amazon UK | Flipkart
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
LIFE AND LIVING is a compilation of blogs. It is drawn from real life incidents of the author or others with whom he has interacted.
2022: State of Sector Report – Farmer Producer Organisations in India
₹395.00India print edition available on: Amazon India
“With the increased momentum in promoting FPOs recently, much has been written on the successes of the past and challenges of the present. But none that’s as comprehensive as this 2022: State of Sector Report – Farmer Producer Organizations in India. Through real-life case studies and in-depth analysis, several eminent authors have reflected on a wide range of issues relevant for the sector. The importance of competent promoting agencies for capacity building of FPOs and an enabling policy environment – as key components of the ecosystem required to realise the potential of collectives – is well brought out in the report. Underscoring the vital role of technology in strengthening and scaling the FPOs is another contribution of the report. Additionally, I am sure all the stakeholders will find the data and information presented in the report very valuable in carrying out their day-to-day work.”
Istria Gold
₹599.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
Istria Gold is a fast-moving adventure mystery taking place over three dramatic historical eras and follows the powerful, elusive, and corrupting lure of Istrian truffle.
Junkland Journeys
₹365.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
Join Hari’s rollercoaster transformation from junkie to godman and his final fall in this riveting tale set in the heady and turbulent 80s and early 90s.
Fashion Musings
₹295.00Print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart | Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
Meher Castelino’s Fashion Musings takes a humorous, saucy, cheeky, tongue-in-cheek look at the fashion, beauty and film world in her unique style.
Child of My Heart: A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption in India
₹395.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
The revised, updated edition of this book continues to be a one-of-its kind view into the world of adoption, including the voices of all stakeholders: parents, adoptees, activists, officials, childcare experts, social workers and law enforcement.
Child of My Heart is both a parenting guide and resource for those interested in child rights—journalists, social workers, counsellors or lawyers.
Kickass Nonsense
₹195.00Print edition also available on: Amazon India | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
This book wears the heart of every such Indian, who lives amidst all this craziness, on its sleeve. At the same time, it offers plenty of food for thought and asks you to look for solutions, within.
Our Man in Balochistan
₹595.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
The US has withdrawn from Afghanistan–something which both New Delhi and Rawalpindi had long anticipated. As both nations grapple to come to terms with its consequences, an unanticipated cold war between the heads of two notorious institutions in Pakistan’s deep state, triggers a daring plan to frame an unsuspecting Indian to gain domestic political glory.
Walking Wounded: Investing in Mental Health with Wi.Sk.Wi (Will.Skill.Wisdom)
₹400.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
Walking Wounded is the journey together of care giver and care receiver, collectively affected yet working through Mental Health conditions.
Ageing and Poverty in India
₹500.00Print edition also available on Amazon India
rnrneBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
An insightful compendium for our think tank, who earnestly feel that an age-friendly policy is the need of the hour and our elders deserve the respect and dignity to live their lives without any discrimination.