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We nurture your creative expressions and bring your books to life.


DOGS! An Anthology


Featuring artists and writers from India and USA, DOGS! An Anthology is a collection of comics on life�s canine companions. In this collection you will encounter stories about dogs that are post-apocalyptic, self-reflective, murderous, environmentally conscious�and much more! This collection of comics was conceived after a series of meandering conversations with artists revealed a shared admiration for dogs amongst comics-wallahs, as well as a collective desire to explore what the world would look like from the other end of a snout. Perhaps imagining life as a dog could reveal something as yet unseen about our world to ourselves and our readers? The result is grungier, grittier, darker and, at times, more poignant than one could have predicted.

Whilst At Chader


India print edition available on: Amazon India

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Interspersed with fascinating photographs, Whilst At Chader takes you through preparing your trekking gear in painstaking detail and acclimatizing in the rarefied heights, that range from 3,178 to 3,390 meters above sea level. With daytime temperatures ranging from -5°C to -10°C and the night temperature dropping to as low as -40°C, the Chader Trek is not for the faint-hearted.

Vidyut Bharat: Common Roots, Uncommon Success


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK


Vidyut Bharat sheds light on the groundbreaking developments and innovations that are propelling India’s ascent to prominence in the deep technology world. Vidyut Bharat tells the stories of visionary scientists and trailblazing entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and influencing the future, from space missions to biotech breakthroughs.


Managing Nothing


Also available on: Amazon India | Amazon USA | Amazon UK | Flipkart | Barnes and Noble

eBook available on : Amazon | iBooks | Kobo Google Play | Nook


The Indian IT industry, which has grown at a phenomenal rate since 1991, today finds itself on the brink of a potentially painful transition to deliver more value and innovation. Managing Nothing throws new light on the challenge of innovation that has dogged the industry for over two decades.

गैस की जंग


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart 

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 


गैस की जंग एक ओर जहां बताती है कि किस तरह सरकारी नीतियों से भारत के सबसे बड़े कॉर्पोरेट समूह को फायदा मिला, वहीं यह कुछ भयावह तथ्य भी सामने रखती है कि कुछ लोगों की जेर्वे भरने के लिए किए गए देश के संसाधनों के निर्मम दोहन से किस प्रकार प्राकृतिक आपदा की आशंका बन गई।


Sailing Against The Wind


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


There’s always another life awaiting us. The only way to embrace it is by letting go of the life we are living. Set in post-independence India this is the tale of Bhola, an unsophisticated young man from a small settlement, who lands up in Bombay, the ‘City of Dreams’.