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गैस की जंग


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart 

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 


गैस की जंग एक ओर जहां बताती है कि किस तरह सरकारी नीतियों से भारत के सबसे बड़े कॉर्पोरेट समूह को फायदा मिला, वहीं यह कुछ भयावह तथ्य भी सामने रखती है कि कुछ लोगों की जेर्वे भरने के लिए किए गए देश के संसाधनों के निर्मम दोहन से किस प्रकार प्राकृतिक आपदा की आशंका बन गई।


India India Feeling: Those were the days that were – a light hearted nostalgia


Print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart | Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle


In India India Feeling, a light-hearted exploration of India, Vikas Dhawan brings forth memories of childhood, of growing up and of the warmth of family and friendships, sketching a vibrant essence of the country when it had old-fashioned charm.



Encounters is an exceptional narrative. A political autobiography that highlights the dramatic turns of the author’s life and career, it traces her initiation into trade union activism, particularly her work in the coal mining areas in eastern India, as well as her transition from the social elite of pre-Independence Patiala to a life of political and social service in Bihar and Jharkhand.


Making Farmer Producer Organizations Achieve Viability


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


The book attempts to identify the nature of challenges faced by FPOs and provides an understanding of factors that can boost sustained growth. This practical guide is useful for everyone who wishes to build viable FPOs as well as for the corporates, policy makers and academicians who can raise pertinent issues to ensure FPOs become financially viable.