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Vidyut Bharat: Common Roots, Uncommon Success


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK


Vidyut Bharat sheds light on the groundbreaking developments and innovations that are propelling India’s ascent to prominence in the deep technology world. Vidyut Bharat tells the stories of visionary scientists and trailblazing entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and influencing the future, from space missions to biotech breakthroughs.


Angry Birds, Angrier Bees: Reflections on the Feats, Failures and Future of HR


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart

International print edition available on: Amazon US Amazon UK 

eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


Starting from the fundamental premise that the Human Resource function must espouse the cause of humans in the organisation and work towards their aggregate happiness, Visty Banaji uses the 50 years of experience he has in HR to introspect on what helps or hinders this mission. Angry Birds, Angrier Bees critiques the current state of affairs and suggests solutions for change. The columns span the gamut of HR, as do the remedies.

Leaving: How I Set Myself Free from an Abusive Marriage


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart

eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


Chronicling Kanchan’s gradual climb out of the abyss, little by little, day by day, Leaving is the empowering story of how—buoyed by her deep faith in a higher power and single-minded in her determination to protect her children best—she fought relentlessly to build a ramp toward freedom from her abuser. In this memoir, Kanchan clearly lays out the tools and methods she utilized in her pursuit of liberation—and reveals how belief in self and belief in the Universe can not only be weapons of escape but also beautiful foundations for a triumphant, purpose-driven life.

Your Spiritual Journey: A guide to unfolding your divine self


India print edition available on: Amazon India Flipkart

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Your Spiritual Journey – A guide to unfolding your divine self by Manisha Melwani, presents timeless spiritual wisdom in a simple, modern style. The book is based on Vedanta, an Indian wisdom tradition that originates from the cumulative teachings of great Himalayan masters.

Enquiring Minds: Front for Rapid Economic Advancement of India (FREA)


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart 

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Started in 1968 by graduates of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, the Front for Rapid Economic Advancement of India, or FREA, ran an ‘involvement programme’ which took over 350 students from different professional colleges all over India to more than 40 rural and urban projects across the country.  Enquiring Minds explores different facets of this unique experiment 50 years after it began, through the memories of those who participated in it.