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Painting Your Retirement Canvas: The Art of Purposeful Longevity


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 


Painting Your Retirement Canvas is your essential guide to creating a fulfilling and purposeful retirement. This book will help you develop a design thinker’s mindset, build your unique persona, and generate life plans that align with your passions. Don’t just retire—design a retirement that’s as unique as you are. Let Painting Your Retirement Canvas be your guide to mastering the art of purposeful longevity.

Vidyut Bharat: Common Roots, Uncommon Success


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK


Vidyut Bharat sheds light on the groundbreaking developments and innovations that are propelling India’s ascent to prominence in the deep technology world. Vidyut Bharat tells the stories of visionary scientists and trailblazing entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and influencing the future, from space missions to biotech breakthroughs.


N = 1: Hyper-Personalization in the Era of You


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK


Imagine a world where every product, service, and experience is tailored just for you. This is the world of N = 1. In this groundbreaking book, the author takes you on a journey through the past, present and future of hyper-personalization.

Child of My Heart: A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption in India


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


The revised, updated edition of this book continues to be a one-of-its kind view into the world of adoption, including the voices of all stakeholders: parents, adoptees, activists, officials, childcare experts, social workers and law enforcement.


Child of My Heart is both a parenting guide and resource for those interested in child rights—journalists, social workers, counsellors or lawyers.

2024: State of the Sector Report – Farmer Producer Organisations in India

Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


“I congratulate the National Association of FPOs on bringing out the State of the Sector Report 2024. As an organisation that works in tandem with village-level farmer-centric institutions in both dairy and horticulture sectors, Mother Dairy understands the potential that such institutions hold in transforming the agri sector. This report brings out some interesting aspects such as the enablers of FPOs and turns a new chapter by introducing some metrics to assess the performance of FPOs. Articles by thought leaders and practitioners who work with FPOs makes this report enriching, highlighting fascinating initiatives and experiences, which I hope will be of use and insight to the readers.”


Manish Bandlish
MD of Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Private Limited

मेरी अज्जी और मैं


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 


सन १८९७ में एक दरिद्र किसान परिवार में जन्म ।
२ वर्ष की आयु में ही पिता को खो दिया ।
९ वर्ष की आयु में विवाह ।
१० वर्ष की आयु में बाल-विधवा ।
२९ वर्ष की आयु में डॉक्टर की डिग्री हासिल की ।
९२ वर्ष की दीर्घायु पाई ।

Gaiety Ke Rangchar (Hindi Edition)


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 


‘गेयटी के रंगचर’ पुस्तक की विषयवस्तु में गेयटी थिएटर शिमला में वर्ष 1970 से लेकर वर्ष 2022 तक जिन्होंने शिमला शहर के रंगमंच को समर्पित होकर निर्देशन और अभिनय किया है उनकी रंगमंचीय यात्रा की स्मृतियों के बेशकीमती खज़ाने को शामिल किया गया है। इस पुस्तक से शोधार्थी और सभी कलाकार समकालीन रंगमंचीय इतिहास से परिचित हो सकेंगे। इस पुस्तक में गेयटी थिएटर के इतिहास के साथ-साथ ब्रिटिश समय के रंगमंचीय इतिहास को भी शामिल किया गया है।

Editors’ Essential Tools

1,190.00 900.00

The first book, Discover the Editor in You, is an introduction to copyediting and the skills required to thrive in this profession. The second, Copyediting: A Closer Look, takes forward the topics explored in the first book and also places copyediting in the context of contemporary developments such as AI.

Bhima Koregaon: Challenging Caste


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


Challenging Caste reads the violence at Bhima Koregaon as a clash between two worldviews — one striving to flatten the social hierarchy, the other justifying and perpetuating it. This book rips apart the Maoist conspiracy theory and the Urban Naxal narrative. It points out the ironies underlying the State’s charges against the sixteen, and the flimsiness of the evidence that is said to have been planted on their hacked computers. The conspiracy against the sixteen that inflicted untold miseries on their families is retold here in their voices.

The Domino Effect


India print edition available on: Amazon India

International print edition available on: Amazon US

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Life is a game and you are the player. You have one life and you must choose your role in it. This book is for dreamers and those who want more out of life. It takes you on a journey towards the pursuit of greatness and gives you the skills to chart your own course to achieve the goals you set for yourself, and to become great at what you do.

YOGAi: Interplays of Yoga and Artificial Intelligence


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


YOGAi is the result of the author’s professional experience, embellished by interactions with Dr. Karan Singh, Ervin Laszlo, Satish Kumar, Salim Ismail and other luminaries, making it a well-rounded treatise on the interplays of Yoga and Ai.

दास्तान – कहानियों की दुनिया


India print edition available on: Amazon India


दास्तान — कहानियों की दुनिया; ये 26 कहानियाँ बच्‍चों और बड़ों की दुनिया, उनकी सोच, उनकी रचनात्‍मकता के बिल्‍कुल अलग सिरों को पाठकों के सामने प्रस्‍तुत करती हैं। कहानी का माध्‍यम, भाषा का शिल्‍प इन दोनों सिरों को जोड़ता है।

Managing A Million Missions


India print edition available on: Amazon India

International print edition available on: Amazon US 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


“This book is an invaluable resource of tools for NGO leaders facing challenges in managing their worthwhile missions towards success … It is full of practical advice, examples, and tools that are useful to me on a weekly basis. Together, Kumaran and Mathew have over 60 years of experience and expertise in NGO management, training, and leadership, across multiple countries. The publication of this book could not be more timely, given the trends and dynamics in today’s world.”

~ Steve Brescia, Executive Director, Groundswell International, Washington, D.C., USA.

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