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Charan Singh: A Brief Life History


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart 

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


This brief life history of Charan Singh takes the reader through the early influences of Swami Dayanand and Mahatma Gandhi on Singh, his immersion in the freedom struggle, his long political life in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, and his abiding importance as an organic intellectual of village India with a complex, sophisticated and coherent strategy for India’s development at variance from all post-Independence governments.

State of Elderly in India

eBook available globally on: Amazon Kindle


The State of Elderly in India Report 2014 is a first-of-its-kind attempt at documenting the current status of our elderly. This report by India’s leading age care NGO, HelpAge India, is a compilation of articles and factoids and serves to highlight the dichotomy between an apparently happy picture of increased longevity and the reality of long years of hopelessness, bereft of family, society or state support that our elderly face today.

Child of My Heart: A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption in India


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


The revised, updated edition of this book continues to be a one-of-its kind view into the world of adoption, including the voices of all stakeholders: parents, adoptees, activists, officials, childcare experts, social workers and law enforcement.


Child of My Heart is both a parenting guide and resource for those interested in child rights—journalists, social workers, counsellors or lawyers.

Discover the Editor in You: Copyediting as a career


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK | Germany | France | Spain | Italy | Netherlands | Poland | Sweden | Japan | Canada | Australia


Discover the Editor in You answers a number of critical questions related to copyediting as a career:

What makes for a great copyeditor?
What does the work entail and how does one start?
What keeps copyeditors motivated?
What kind of professional and personal qualities do you need to succeed at
What are the future possibilities in this line of work?

A Million Missions


A Million Missions takes a close and comprehensive look at the working of the country′s voluntary sector and its various aspects.
Many of the million-plus NGOs in India work among the poorest and most marginalised sections of society inspiring hope for a better life and a ″new India″. Today′s non-profit sector has influenced the rightsbased paradigm of social welfare and economic development thereby furthering grassroots action and democratic foundations. NGOs in India are involved in diverse areas,from primary education and basic health to caring for the elderly.
A Million Missions is an invaluable resource for representatives of the corporate sector or donor agencies, government officials, civil society activists, and students and scholars of development studies.