Narrowcast: X-Unicorns Edition
Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
In this series of conversations, we celebrate founders who play it by their rules, taking unconventional, or even long-drawn-out paths to get there.
The Desired World: Outline of a Worldview
₹895.00India print edition available on: Amazon India
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
The Desired World is all about how to make some personal sense out of a world not looked at as a cosmic order, a divine dispensation, or to be read as a scientific and mathematical text, but to view it ultimately as total chaos.
Can’t Believe It’s Eggless
₹999.00India print edition available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon US
Can’t Believe It’s Eggless lives up to its name with delicious recipes that are second to none, where renowned Indian pastry chef Pooja Dhingra offers invaluable tips on how to stock your pantry, choose the right substitute for eggs, and perfect the art of baking.
A Rose from a Dream
₹495.00A Rose from a Dream, the spellbinding sequel to When the Lotus Blooms, weaves through the turmoil in the lives of diverse families, rich and poor across India, in the fading years of the British Raj.
ET@10: A Decade Long Journey of Educational Technology Programme at IIT
₹299.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
The term ‘education’ is as hard to pin down as it is ubiquitous, so it feels a remarkable achievement that the programme has been able to find its feet so quickly, graduate masters and doctoral students, and along the way train thousands of teachers across the country.
The Magical Body: Recreate your reality by demystifying the messages from the body
₹595.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook available globally on: Amazon Kindle
The Magical Body combines insights from a regression therapist and a medical doctor, and goes into the deeper understanding of body awareness and the factors influencing our body. After all, we are much more than our physical body and the body is far more than our normal perception of it as just a bundle of tissues and muscles.
Mom Made with Love: Recipes on Life, Business and Enterprise
India print edition available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
A mother is our first friend and foremost guru. And yet, we underestimate her lessons on life, love, hospitality, relationships, time and resource management, dismissing them as old fashioned, simplistic and naive. One son who’s finally understood the inherent solidity of mom-made life lessons is food entrepreneur Gaurav Gite, founder of Marrakesh, the Lebanese/Indian chain of restaurants. Starting with his mother’s life savings and her belief in him, Gaurav’s is a success story, whose journey would have been smoother if he had listened to Mumma!
A tribute, love letter and long overdue apology to the wonder woman that is Mumma – Gaurav’s and everyone else’s too.
गैस की जंग
₹325.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
गैस की जंग एक ओर जहां बताती है कि किस तरह सरकारी नीतियों से भारत के सबसे बड़े कॉर्पोरेट समूह को फायदा मिला, वहीं यह कुछ भयावह तथ्य भी सामने रखती है कि कुछ लोगों की जेर्वे भरने के लिए किए गए देश के संसाधनों के निर्मम दोहन से किस प्रकार प्राकृतिक आपदा की आशंका बन गई।
Past Dwellers: Change your mindset to change your life
₹345.00Print edition also available on Flipkart | Amazon India | Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
The past is not a permanent state of being, but a stepping stone to the future. Instead of dwelling on the mistakes and regrets of the past, learn from them and open your mind and self to a new tomorrow, …
N = 1: Hyper-Personalization in the Era of You
₹745.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
Imagine a world where every product, service, and experience is tailored just for you. This is the world of N = 1. In this groundbreaking book, the author takes you on a journey through the past, present and future of hyper-personalization.