A Patchwork Quilt
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This book is a collection of poems by the mother-daughter duo, Sulekha and Shloka Rawat.
The Fury in the Sky and Other Stories
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Every reader will have their own favourite in this collection of awe-inspiring, fearful, and all-consuming stories and poems by Anavi Khosla.
Editors’ Essential Tools
The first book, Discover the Editor in You, is an introduction to copyediting and the skills required to thrive in this profession. The second, Copyediting: A Closer Look, takes forward the topics explored in the first book and also places copyediting in the context of contemporary developments such as AI.
Startups and Beyond: Building Enduring Organizations
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Discover a powerful 5-stage approach of launching great Startups, and for building successful and lasting organizations.
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Disappearing Democracy
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In these pieces, Shukla’s engaging voice—ranging from wry to vexed to humorous—attempts to shake up the indifference and keep public opinion and conscience alive: during a period crucial to India’s history and destiny.
Travellers from Imperial Russia to India
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The Sand Saga and Other Short Stories are gripping, fascinating, riveting and full of twisted mystery.
My Ajji and I
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My Ajji and I chronicles the life of my grandmother. Her inspiring story spanning a century, tells you how Akkutai got herself educated, became a doctor, re-married, worked and brought up a family in the jungles of East Africa and later set up her own maternity home in India to promote safe motherhood.