Pillars of Parallel Cinema: 50 Path-Breaking Hindi Films
₹595.00India print edition available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
“Pillars of Parallel Cinema is well written and gives a very good background story of each of the films and how they were made. A very good addition to the books written of an important phase of new cinema of the time.”
– Shyam Benegal, Renowned Filmmaker
This is a retrospective of 50 path-breaking Hindi films made between the late 60s and mid-90s, when parallel cinema reigned in India. There is no single reason for selecting these 50 films – the primary criterion was that they were all made without the trappings of mainstream cinema and were driven more by passion than the power of money.
Beginner’s Guide for Digital Transformation
₹250.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
Beginner’s Guide for Digital Transformation provides an introduction to the world of mobile computers and other related technologies, specifically for functional consultants and User-Experience (UX) designers who are early in their careers in the field of providing Digital Transformation solutions to industries.
DOGS! An Anthology
₹325.00Featuring artists and writers from India and USA, DOGS! An Anthology is a collection of comics on life�s canine companions. In this collection you will encounter stories about dogs that are post-apocalyptic, self-reflective, murderous, environmentally conscious�and much more! This collection of comics was conceived after a series of meandering conversations with artists revealed a shared admiration for dogs amongst comics-wallahs, as well as a collective desire to explore what the world would look like from the other end of a snout. Perhaps imagining life as a dog could reveal something as yet unseen about our world to ourselves and our readers? The result is grungier, grittier, darker and, at times, more poignant than one could have predicted.
दास्तान – कहानियों की दुनिया
₹199.00India print edition available on: Amazon India
दास्तान — कहानियों की दुनिया; ये 26 कहानियाँ बच्चों और बड़ों की दुनिया, उनकी सोच, उनकी रचनात्मकता के बिल्कुल अलग सिरों को पाठकों के सामने प्रस्तुत करती हैं। कहानी का माध्यम, भाषा का शिल्प इन दोनों सिरों को जोड़ता है।
Istria Gold
₹599.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
Istria Gold is a fast-moving adventure mystery taking place over three dramatic historical eras and follows the powerful, elusive, and corrupting lure of Istrian truffle.
Narrowcast: Power of Compounding
₹495.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
In this edition of Narrowcast, we delve into the captivating narratives of nine Indian entrepreneurs who have set their sights on crafting businesses that stand the test of time. Each story is a testament to their unwavering courage, tenacity, and vision for enduring success.
Himachal Ke Rang: Katha Pachisi (Hindi Edition)
₹500.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
कथा पच्चीसी हिमाचल प्रदेश की एक अद्भुत झलक प्रदान करती है जो ग्रामीण प्राकृतिक परिदृश्य से परिपूर्ण है-लड़कियों की शिक्षा की समस्या, गरीबी और शोषण का उदास जीवन, पर्यावरण की बढ़ती समस्याएँ, हमारी प्रख्यात लोक संस्कृति का विवरण, भावनात्मक यात्राएँ, सभी साथ मिलकर इस राज्य तो मानवीय और जीवंत बनाते है यह एक उत्कृष्ट प्रयास है तो वरिष्ठ लेखकों की कलम के माध्यम से हम सबको हिमाचल से जोड़ता है
“I could enjoy with intense and compelling clarity each story for what it is, as it is; presenting varied shades of existence, nostalgia and memory.”—Dr Usha Bande, Shimla
₹395.00Encounters is an exceptional narrative. A political autobiography that highlights the dramatic turns of the author’s life and career, it traces her initiation into trade union activism, particularly her work in the coal mining areas in eastern India, as well as her transition from the social elite of pre-Independence Patiala to a life of political and social service in Bihar and Jharkhand.
A Patchwork Quilt
₹225.00Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
This book is a collection of poems by the mother-daughter duo, Sulekha and Shloka Rawat.
The Tale of Two: An Outgoing and an Incoming Prime Minister
₹1,400.00After 26 years in which time he has been hailed as one of the most respected photographers of India, Raghu Rai has ventured into political territory once more. In this stunning new volume he photographs two important Indian leaders, an outgoing PM, Manmohan Singh, and an incoming one, Narendra Modi. Both are photographed amidst the cacophony of their party meetings, but there is a silence at the centre. One is tinged by despair, the other by a sense of overwhelming power. Raghu Rai is a noted photographer who has published 36 books including celebrated ones on Indira Gandhi, Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama.