Whilst At Chader
₹595.00India print edition available on: Amazon India
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
Interspersed with fascinating photographs, Whilst At Chader takes you through preparing your trekking gear in painstaking detail and acclimatizing in the rarefied heights, that range from 3,178 to 3,390 meters above sea level. With daytime temperatures ranging from -5°C to -10°C and the night temperature dropping to as low as -40°C, the Chader Trek is not for the faint-hearted.
Tales of Tuntuni, The Wise Bird
₹195.00eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
The stories of the wise bird Tuntuni were written by Upendra Kishore Roy Chowdhury a century ago. This Bengali children’s classic has been read by five generations of Bengali children.
Madam President: History in the Making?
₹395.00Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart | Createspace USA | Amazon USA | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble
eBook available on: Amazon Kindle
Can a President, whose campaign has largely been funded by the ‘billionaire class’ and Wall Street really ‘walk the talk’ on corporate crime? The book raises this among many other questions as it attempts a factual analysis of strategic issues related to a possible Madam Clinton Presidency!
Know Medical, Know Business
₹295.00India print edition available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
Know Medical, Know Business is a succinctly presented primer for people who wish to enter Medical Affairs in a pharmaceutical or healthcare company and help shape the opinions which doctors, payers, patients, and policy-makers form and hold, and the usage behaviour which they display.
Copyediting: A Closer Look
Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
Dive deeper into the promising world of copyediting in this second book of ICF’s Copyediting as a Career series. Understand the nitty-gritty of the process, from using style guides to mastering new-age tech tools, and more.
Dilli Dil
₹495.00About the book The photographic journey of Julie Skarland, a fashion designer and artist from Norway, this book captures the beauty she sees in the small, simple things all around her in Dilli, her new home. Dilli Dil showcases Julie’s fascination for Dilli, its people, streets, fauna, crafts and everyday objects often made through struggle and hardship, but also with pride, strength, faith and immense creativity. About the author Julie Skarland is a Norwegian fashion designer. After starting her own brand and boutique in Paris for 18 years, she moved to New Delhi in 2005 where she lives till date.
A Patchwork Quilt
₹225.00Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
This book is a collection of poems by the mother-daughter duo, Sulekha and Shloka Rawat.
The Story of Secularism: 15th – 21st Century
₹245.00Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
eBook available on Amazon Kindle
The issues surrounding secularism – state neutrality, freedom of religion, equal citizenship – have been discussed at least since the 18th century. However, the seeds of these ideas were sown in the 15th century….
Musings: An Insight into Me
₹295.00Print edition available on: Amazon India | Amazon UK | Amazon USA
eBook available on: Amazon globally
Pragati Sureka blends her words with years of experience in dealing with the complexities of the human mind. Yes, you do see snippets of your life in the words of the poet and there is definitely enough balm for all aching souls.
The Deadly Kitty
India print edition available on: Amazon India
The Deadly Kitty is the sixth book of the S.H.I.M.L.A. Investigators Series by Minakshi Chaudhry and her young nineteen-year-old mentee, Sirisha Chauhan. Rumours, gossip, jealousy and adultery, further add intrigue to this story as both the insurance agency and the victim’s husband suspect foul play in this gripping narrative.