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Madam President: History in the Making?


Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart | Createspace USA | Amazon USA | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble 
eBook available on: Amazon Kindle


Can a President, whose campaign has largely been funded by the ‘billionaire class’ and Wall Street really ‘walk the talk’ on corporate crime? The book raises this among many other questions as it attempts a factual analysis of strategic issues related to a possible Madam Clinton Presidency!

IRIDESCENCE: Unfairy tales of yearning


India print edition available on: Amazon India Flipkart

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Iridescence – A collection of shorts is about exploring yearning, pus, mucus, longing, reign and ruin. They include the world, people, situations and even objects that we encounter every day. They may compel, in fits and starts, to discover who we are collectively and what we care most about. Darkness shares its naive heart with our own inner child, the potent muse of all. We humans are all waves of one sea and leaves of one tree. Meeting our shadow side, it takes no wizardry to realise even in light some shadows get shorter and others longer.

Child of My Heart: A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption in India


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


The revised, updated edition of this book continues to be a one-of-its kind view into the world of adoption, including the voices of all stakeholders: parents, adoptees, activists, officials, childcare experts, social workers and law enforcement.


Child of My Heart is both a parenting guide and resource for those interested in child rights—journalists, social workers, counsellors or lawyers.

Charan Singh: A Brief Life History


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart 

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


This brief life history of Charan Singh takes the reader through the early influences of Swami Dayanand and Mahatma Gandhi on Singh, his immersion in the freedom struggle, his long political life in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, and his abiding importance as an organic intellectual of village India with a complex, sophisticated and coherent strategy for India’s development at variance from all post-Independence governments.

Pillars of Parallel Cinema: 50 Path-Breaking Hindi Films


India print edition available on: Amazon India

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Pillars of Parallel Cinema is well written and gives a very good background story of each of the films and how they were made. A very good addition to the books written of an important phase of new cinema of the time.”


Shyam Benegal, Renowned Filmmaker


This is a retrospective of 50 path-breaking Hindi films made between the late 60s and mid-90s, when parallel cinema reigned in India. There is no single reason for selecting these 50 films – the primary criterion was that they were all made without the trappings of mainstream cinema and were driven more by passion than the power of money.