Beginner’s Guide for Digital Transformation
₹250.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
Beginner’s Guide for Digital Transformation provides an introduction to the world of mobile computers and other related technologies, specifically for functional consultants and User-Experience (UX) designers who are early in their careers in the field of providing Digital Transformation solutions to industries.
State of Elderly in India
eBook available globally on: Amazon Kindle
The State of Elderly in India Report 2014 is a first-of-its-kind attempt at documenting the current status of our elderly. This report by India’s leading age care NGO, HelpAge India, is a compilation of articles and factoids and serves to highlight the dichotomy between an apparently happy picture of increased longevity and the reality of long years of hopelessness, bereft of family, society or state support that our elderly face today.
Creating Blissful Homes: Simple approaches towards everlasting happiness
₹445.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: India | International
Tarun Samant combines his professional and personal wisdom for Creating Blissful Homes in this remarkable book. After all, asserts the author, who doesn’t want to achieve happiness, blissfulness, joy … particularly in their personal and family lives.
Tarun has narrated a simple step-by-step guide to create an environment of happiness among all family members through mutual respect, bonding, support, affection, and by modifying one’s expectations. Being a professional himself, he blends a number of relevant professional philosophies with similar concerns on the home front.
Narrowcast: X-Unicorns Edition
Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
In this series of conversations, we celebrate founders who play it by their rules, taking unconventional, or even long-drawn-out paths to get there.
Lady Corona: Why And How She Has Overpowered Us All?
₹195.00Print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart | Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the entire humanity at one time has brought distress, pain, fear, loss of near and dear ones, fissures in relationships and economic hardship.philosophical reasons of why this pandemic has engulfed us all.
Conservation Kaleidoscope: People, Protected Areas and Wildlife in Contemporary India
₹650.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle
Organised over 14 broad themes in this collection, Conservation Kaleidoscope offers a ringside view of conservation that is as challenging and informative as it is insightful and provocative.
An Infinity of Things Can Happen in a Dream
₹249.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
The purpose of this book is to remind people that there are many other lives in this Universe, since it is so vast.
Our Man in Balochistan
₹595.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
The US has withdrawn from Afghanistan–something which both New Delhi and Rawalpindi had long anticipated. As both nations grapple to come to terms with its consequences, an unanticipated cold war between the heads of two notorious institutions in Pakistan’s deep state, triggers a daring plan to frame an unsuspecting Indian to gain domestic political glory.
The Karwar Palate
₹1,999.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
Author Sudha Kamat shares her culinary journey along with a treasure trove of her familial recipes in her cookbook, The Karwar Palate.
Edward John Thompson: British Liberalism and the Limits of Rapprochement
₹495.00Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
As the Indian freedom struggle grew in scope and ambition, a slew of British writers and intellectuals, many of whom had done one kind or other service in the colony felt called upon to define their own positions…