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Pillars of Parallel Cinema: 50 Path-Breaking Hindi Films


India print edition available on: Amazon India

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Pillars of Parallel Cinema is well written and gives a very good background story of each of the films and how they were made. A very good addition to the books written of an important phase of new cinema of the time.”


Shyam Benegal, Renowned Filmmaker


This is a retrospective of 50 path-breaking Hindi films made between the late 60s and mid-90s, when parallel cinema reigned in India. There is no single reason for selecting these 50 films – the primary criterion was that they were all made without the trappings of mainstream cinema and were driven more by passion than the power of money.

Gaiety Ke Rangchar (Hindi Edition)


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 


‘गेयटी के रंगचर’ पुस्तक की विषयवस्तु में गेयटी थिएटर शिमला में वर्ष 1970 से लेकर वर्ष 2022 तक जिन्होंने शिमला शहर के रंगमंच को समर्पित होकर निर्देशन और अभिनय किया है उनकी रंगमंचीय यात्रा की स्मृतियों के बेशकीमती खज़ाने को शामिल किया गया है। इस पुस्तक से शोधार्थी और सभी कलाकार समकालीन रंगमंचीय इतिहास से परिचित हो सकेंगे। इस पुस्तक में गेयटी थिएटर के इतिहास के साथ-साथ ब्रिटिश समय के रंगमंचीय इतिहास को भी शामिल किया गया है।

Or Forever Hold Your Peace


Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart


SMRC/27/5’4” girl, MBA/B.Tech, Project Manager, software, seeking suitable boy.

‘Sundays began with mass at 7 in the morning. Mass would get over by 8 am and Dad would spend the next hour and a half reading the newspaper, which included circling suitable advertisements in the Catholic Section of the matrimonials. Once it was 11 am, he would start dialing the numbers of those he had deemed suitable.’

Weddings can be tricky business. They can be fun, emotional, exciting, frustrating, nerve-racking, downright stressful and very unpredictable…a bit like life itself. As a young, independent, well-qualified woman based in Delhi sets off on her own journey towards a happily-ever-after, she discovers that a lot can happen between finding Mr Right and saying ‘I do’.

The Queen of All Nations: A Brief View of Modern India for Young Indians


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


What makes a nation?
Is there a difference between a patriot and a nationalist?
What is the truth about our land?
What is the past that many of us have no idea about, especially those who have come to take what they are told as actuality?
What does our history teach us?


The Queen of All Nations attempts to tell the truth about us, our India and separate fact from myth.

दास्तान – कहानियों की दुनिया


India print edition available on: Amazon India


दास्तान — कहानियों की दुनिया; ये 26 कहानियाँ बच्‍चों और बड़ों की दुनिया, उनकी सोच, उनकी रचनात्‍मकता के बिल्‍कुल अलग सिरों को पाठकों के सामने प्रस्‍तुत करती हैं। कहानी का माध्‍यम, भाषा का शिल्‍प इन दोनों सिरों को जोड़ता है।

Making Farmer Producer Organizations Achieve Viability


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


The book attempts to identify the nature of challenges faced by FPOs and provides an understanding of factors that can boost sustained growth. This practical guide is useful for everyone who wishes to build viable FPOs as well as for the corporates, policy makers and academicians who can raise pertinent issues to ensure FPOs become financially viable.

Chronicles of a village boy in New Delhi


Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
eBook available on: Amazon Kindle | Google Play | iBooks 


Chronicles of a village boy in New Delhi is a first person account of the transition that most youth are experiencing today: from one age to another, one place to another and one value system to another. The book elucidates what factors influence that process and unleash the potential in individuals (even those without a godfather!), with thoughts that inspire and direct destinies.

No Shadow Without Light


India print edition available on: Amazon India

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


On 06/06/06, the world’s population crossed 6.66 billion. Any further increase could only occur at the cost of other species and future generations. This triggered the Devil’s Game. From the Templars of Tomar to the Doomsday Chest in London, from the Tomb of Amir Timur to the Shadowless Pagoda of Wuhan, Siobhan and Reginalli, follow the trail of carnage left by each page of the Devil’s Prayer.

Can they save the world from its own destruction?