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Calcutta Diary


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eBook available on: Kindle | iBooks | Kobo | Nook |


The essays in Calcutta Diary first appeared in the Economic and Political Weekly during the infamous 21-month Emergency imposed in India between June 1975 and March 1977. Interestingly, Ashok Mitra had worked with former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who had imposed the Emergency. The essays recount aspects of a unique and particularly difficult phase in contemporary Indian history.

Mom Made with Love: Recipes on Life, Business and Enterprise

595.00 495.00

India print edition available on: Amazon India 

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


A mother is our first friend and foremost guru. And yet, we underestimate her lessons on life, love, hospitality, relationships, time and resource management, dismissing them as old fashioned, simplistic and naive. One son who’s finally understood the inherent solidity of mom-made life lessons is food entrepreneur Gaurav Gite, founder of Marrakesh, the Lebanese/Indian chain of restaurants. Starting with his mother’s life savings and her belief in him, Gaurav’s is a success story, whose journey would have been smoother if he had listened to Mumma!


A tribute, love letter and long overdue apology to the wonder woman that is Mumma – Gaurav’s and everyone else’s too.

Sue The Messenger


At a time when space for quality journalism seems to be shrinking, there are journalists who still stick to their jobs by reporting and commenting on every development that undermines democracy and the rule of law.