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Himachal Ke Rang: Katha Pachisi (Hindi Edition)


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


कथा पच्चीसी हिमाचल प्रदेश की एक अद्भुत झलक प्रदान करती है जो ग्रामीण प्राकृतिक परिदृश्य से परिपूर्ण है-लड़कियों की शिक्षा की समस्या, गरीबी और शोषण का उदास जीवन, पर्यावरण की बढ़ती समस्याएँ, हमारी प्रख्यात लोक संस्कृति का विवरण, भावनात्मक यात्राएँ, सभी साथ मिलकर इस राज्य तो मानवीय और जीवंत बनाते है यह एक उत्कृष्ट प्रयास है तो वरिष्ठ लेखकों की कलम के माध्यम से हम सबको हिमाचल से जोड़ता है


“I could enjoy with intense and compelling clarity each story for what it is, as it is; presenting varied shades of existence, nostalgia and memory.”—Dr Usha Bande, Shimla

मेरी अज्जी और मैं


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 


सन १८९७ में एक दरिद्र किसान परिवार में जन्म ।
२ वर्ष की आयु में ही पिता को खो दिया ।
९ वर्ष की आयु में विवाह ।
१० वर्ष की आयु में बाल-विधवा ।
२९ वर्ष की आयु में डॉक्टर की डिग्री हासिल की ।
९२ वर्ष की दीर्घायु पाई ।



Print edition also available on: Flipkart | Amazon India
eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


In this thrilling second book, adventure cyclist Dhruv Bogra leads us into the heart of the great wilderness of the Indian Himalaya, with fascinating narrations of expeditions on the saddle of a mountain bike—from the Old Hindustan–Tibet road in Himachal Pradesh’s Kinnaur district to the heights of Lachen in Sikkim.

Life in Metaphors: Portraits of Girish Kasaravalli


Print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart | Amazon USA Amazon UK

eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle


Life in Metaphors: Portraits of Girish Kasaravalli is a collection of portraits sketched by colleagues, friends, family, filmmakers and film critics, providing insights into the intricate layers of Kasaravalli’s cinema and exploring the nuances of his films and their metaphors.

2024: State of the Sector Report – Farmer Producer Organisations in India

Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


“I congratulate the National Association of FPOs on bringing out the State of the Sector Report 2024. As an organisation that works in tandem with village-level farmer-centric institutions in both dairy and horticulture sectors, Mother Dairy understands the potential that such institutions hold in transforming the agri sector. This report brings out some interesting aspects such as the enablers of FPOs and turns a new chapter by introducing some metrics to assess the performance of FPOs. Articles by thought leaders and practitioners who work with FPOs makes this report enriching, highlighting fascinating initiatives and experiences, which I hope will be of use and insight to the readers.”


Manish Bandlish
MD of Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Private Limited