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We nurture your creative expressions and bring your books to life.


In Good Faith


India print edition available on: Amazon India

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Set in the city of Mumbai, In Good Faith traces the lives of Rahul, Zahi and Vivek, their loves, their hopes, fears and aspirations, as they wind their way through medical college confronting disease and death, anger and violence, joy and hope. Finding sustenance always in the undying spirit of human beings, they each finally discover their own reason to become healers.

State of Elderly in India

eBook available globally on: Amazon Kindle


The State of Elderly in India Report 2014 is a first-of-its-kind attempt at documenting the current status of our elderly. This report by India’s leading age care NGO, HelpAge India, is a compilation of articles and factoids and serves to highlight the dichotomy between an apparently happy picture of increased longevity and the reality of long years of hopelessness, bereft of family, society or state support that our elderly face today.

My Ajji and I


India print edition available on: Amazon India

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


My Ajji and I chronicles the life of my grandmother. Her inspiring story spanning a century, tells you how Akkutai got herself educated, became a ​doctor, re-married, worked and brought up a family in the jungles of East Africa and later set up her own ​maternity home in India to promote safe motherhood.

The Teller of Tales


India print edition available on: Amazon India

Kindle edition: Amazon India


Edited by Achala Moulik, The Teller of Tales is a delightful collection of stories told by Uncle Ram to his three young charges. He tells them about strange kingdoms under the sea, of enchanted forests, birds who guide, demons who wear diamonds and flowers which reveal royal secrets. These tales of good queens, wicked witches and brave journeys have a timeless appeal for children. Each story has a message of how kind thoughts and good deeds are rewarded.

Himachal Ke Rang: Katha Pachisi (Hindi Edition)


Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India 
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


कथा पच्चीसी हिमाचल प्रदेश की एक अद्भुत झलक प्रदान करती है जो ग्रामीण प्राकृतिक परिदृश्य से परिपूर्ण है-लड़कियों की शिक्षा की समस्या, गरीबी और शोषण का उदास जीवन, पर्यावरण की बढ़ती समस्याएँ, हमारी प्रख्यात लोक संस्कृति का विवरण, भावनात्मक यात्राएँ, सभी साथ मिलकर इस राज्य तो मानवीय और जीवंत बनाते है यह एक उत्कृष्ट प्रयास है तो वरिष्ठ लेखकों की कलम के माध्यम से हम सबको हिमाचल से जोड़ता है


“I could enjoy with intense and compelling clarity each story for what it is, as it is; presenting varied shades of existence, nostalgia and memory.”—Dr Usha Bande, Shimla

दास्तान – कहानियों की दुनिया


India print edition available on: Amazon India


दास्तान — कहानियों की दुनिया; ये 26 कहानियाँ बच्‍चों और बड़ों की दुनिया, उनकी सोच, उनकी रचनात्‍मकता के बिल्‍कुल अलग सिरों को पाठकों के सामने प्रस्‍तुत करती हैं। कहानी का माध्‍यम, भाषा का शिल्‍प इन दोनों सिरों को जोड़ता है।