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India print edition available on: Amazon India


As the divine Blue Lotus Indivara sprouts an ominous red petal, its guardians must do everything in their power to protect it and their kingdom. Aryavir and Sitanshu march to the border of Kalipura for a bloody showdown with the Chandraketu King Divyendu.

IRIDESCENCE: Unfairy tales of yearning


India print edition available on: Amazon India Flipkart

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Iridescence – A collection of shorts is about exploring yearning, pus, mucus, longing, reign and ruin. They include the world, people, situations and even objects that we encounter every day. They may compel, in fits and starts, to discover who we are collectively and what we care most about. Darkness shares its naive heart with our own inner child, the potent muse of all. We humans are all waves of one sea and leaves of one tree. Meeting our shadow side, it takes no wizardry to realise even in light some shadows get shorter and others longer.

Husne Nazar (हुस्ने नज़र)


India print edition available on: Amazon India


इस कविता संग्रह का मूल आधार है – जैसी दृष्टि वैसी सृष्टि। हम अपूर्ण हैं – अपूर्ण पूर्ण को पूर्ण रूप से जानने का प्रयास तो कर सकता है किन्तु पूर्ण को सम्पूर्ण रूप से नहीं जाना जा सकता।

The Story of Secularism: 15th – 21st Century

Print edition also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
eBook available on: Amazon Kindle | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play | Nook

Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
eBook available on Amazon Kindle


The issues surrounding secularism – state neutrality, freedom of religion, equal citizenship – have been discussed at least since the 18th century. However, the seeds of these ideas were sown in the 15th century….

The Teller of Tales


India print edition available on: Amazon India

Kindle edition: Amazon India


Edited by Achala Moulik, The Teller of Tales is a delightful collection of stories told by Uncle Ram to his three young charges. He tells them about strange kingdoms under the sea, of enchanted forests, birds who guide, demons who wear diamonds and flowers which reveal royal secrets. These tales of good queens, wicked witches and brave journeys have a timeless appeal for children. Each story has a message of how kind thoughts and good deeds are rewarded.

दास्तान – कहानियों की दुनिया


India print edition available on: Amazon India


दास्तान — कहानियों की दुनिया; ये 26 कहानियाँ बच्‍चों और बड़ों की दुनिया, उनकी सोच, उनकी रचनात्‍मकता के बिल्‍कुल अलग सिरों को पाठकों के सामने प्रस्‍तुत करती हैं। कहानी का माध्‍यम, भाषा का शिल्‍प इन दोनों सिरों को जोड़ता है।

The Deadly Kitty



India print edition available on: Amazon India


The Deadly Kitty is the sixth book of the S.H.I.M.L.A. Investigators Series by Minakshi Chaudhry and her young nineteen-year-old mentee, Sirisha Chauhan. Rumours, gossip, jealousy and adultery, further add intrigue to this story as both the insurance agency and the victim’s husband suspect foul play in this gripping narrative.

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