Sue The Messenger
₹325.00At a time when space for quality journalism seems to be shrinking, there are journalists who still stick to their jobs by reporting and commenting on every development that undermines democracy and the rule of law.
The Deputy Commissioner’s Dog and Other Colleagues
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There is no didacticism in these pieces, just warmth and concern, laced with rich description, entertaining tales, urban and folk lore, and hilarious metaphors. Shukla’s self-confessed efforts “to make sense of a world gradually going bonkers” leave the reader, facing the same world, vastly soothed and hooting with laughter.
Stout and Tender: A Collection of Poems Pure and Impure
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Stout and Tender is Badri Raina’s third (and largest) anthology of poems in which the academic-poet, while musing and introspective, feels compelled to engage with glaring contemporary brutalities, anguish, sad and reviling ironies, the slow, stabbing death of humanism, and societal change inflicted by the digital age.
Chasing His Father’s Dreams
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Chasing His Father’s Dreams is a comprehensive exposition of the circumstances under which Naveen Patnaik, the founder and leader of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) political party who is now in his fourth term as Chief Minister of the eastern Indian state of Odisha, rose to power.
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Every reader will have their own favourite in this collection of awe-inspiring, fearful, and all-consuming stories and poems by Anavi Khosla.
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The Tale Of A Would-Be Father
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From the first ‘first’ to the many firsts, pregnancy is a period of ‘nercitement’ (nervousness + excitement). This magical journey is more than just glowing skin.
Money Gone
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Business tycoon Hardik Seth and his family have been under the scanner of the Income Tax Commissioner, Rakesh Bisht, for the longest time. His efforts to nab Seth for accumulation of wealth that is definitely not kosher have hit legal hurdles. Meanwhile, Seth’s son, Rohan, meets the enchanting Eli in London and the mysterious Mr. Maduro in the British Virgin Islands, who introduce him to the business of money laundering in its newest form.
Future Shock
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Future Shock is a non-fiction armchair journey into the future, a book about how life is going to change post the pandemic. It talks about how we will live, not the day after tomorrow, but tomorrow …
Down The Road
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In the novel Down the Road Nonda Chatterjee recreates in vivid detail the values, morals and daily life of a class that was blindsided by the events of 1947. The anglicized Indian elite that served the British Raj as bureaucrats, lawyers, and career professionals faced a severe identity crisis after independence when their cosmopolitanism became suspect.