Idea of India Hard to Beat: Republic Resilient
₹395.00Idea of India Hard to Beat is a collection of essays and articles written by Badri Raina between 2010 and 2015 that bear witness to the shifting socio-political dynamics of the recent past.
Narrowcast: Power of Compounding
₹495.00India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart
In this edition of Narrowcast, we delve into the captivating narratives of nine Indian entrepreneurs who have set their sights on crafting businesses that stand the test of time. Each story is a testament to their unwavering courage, tenacity, and vision for enduring success.
Himachal Ke Rang: Katha Pachisi (Hindi Edition)
₹500.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
कथा पच्चीसी हिमाचल प्रदेश की एक अद्भुत झलक प्रदान करती है जो ग्रामीण प्राकृतिक परिदृश्य से परिपूर्ण है-लड़कियों की शिक्षा की समस्या, गरीबी और शोषण का उदास जीवन, पर्यावरण की बढ़ती समस्याएँ, हमारी प्रख्यात लोक संस्कृति का विवरण, भावनात्मक यात्राएँ, सभी साथ मिलकर इस राज्य तो मानवीय और जीवंत बनाते है यह एक उत्कृष्ट प्रयास है तो वरिष्ठ लेखकों की कलम के माध्यम से हम सबको हिमाचल से जोड़ता है
“I could enjoy with intense and compelling clarity each story for what it is, as it is; presenting varied shades of existence, nostalgia and memory.”—Dr Usha Bande, Shimla
CANDID: Inspiring human stories of resilience, perseverance & focus from sciencepreneurs at Venture Center
₹395.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
CanDid is a compilation of stories of grit, perseverance and determination of fifteen of India’s upcoming science-based entrepreneurs. Nurtured at Venture Center, India’s top technology business incubator, these entrepreneurs share their triumphs and struggles through real life instances.
Bhima Koregaon: Challenging Caste
₹795.00Indian print edition also available on: Amazon India
International print edition available on: Amazon USA | Amazon UK
eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle
Challenging Caste reads the violence at Bhima Koregaon as a clash between two worldviews — one striving to flatten the social hierarchy, the other justifying and perpetuating it. This book rips apart the Maoist conspiracy theory and the Urban Naxal narrative. It points out the ironies underlying the State’s charges against the sixteen, and the flimsiness of the evidence that is said to have been planted on their hacked computers. The conspiracy against the sixteen that inflicted untold miseries on their families is retold here in their voices.
Startups and Beyond: Building Enduring Organizations
Print edition also available on: Flipkart | Amazon India
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
Discover a powerful 5-stage approach of launching great Startups, and for building successful and lasting organizations.
People At Work: The Untold Story of Labour Management Relations
₹595.00India print edition available on: Amazon
International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada | Amazon Australia
eBook available globally on: on Amazon India | Amazon US | Amazon UK
People At Work covers the reality of the lives of workers at the bottom of the pyramid. It brings out true stories of the sufferings of workers in times of neo-liberal economics. People At Work also presents true stories of entrepreneurs who have implemented exemplary people-management practices, as well as the making of sensitive HR professionals. A must-read for every people-manager and researcher.
IIM Ahmedabad: The Inside Story
₹495.00Print edition also available on Amazon India
eBook edition available globally on Amazon Kindle
For Post Graduate Programme Students (PGPs). They can take a walk down memory lane. For Common Admission Test (CAT) aspirants. They can have a virtual tour of what they have to look forward to…
Spice Trail
₹895.00Print edition also available on
In Spice Trail, Hari Nayak, New York-based chef and restaurateur, gives dishes a special cachet with spices from his native India and around the world, playing with flavour and colour, ingredient and taste.
Cooking Up A Storm – The Misra Family Way
₹750.00Also available on: Amazon India | Flipkart |
Also available in hardcover format
For the Misra sisters, Suneeta and Susmita, food always was and continues to be an important part of their lives. This book is a labor of love, persistence and a desire to leave behind a culinary legacy. It contains an eclectic collection of recipes that have been painstakingly detailed and neatly categorized for easy reading and access.