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First Steps – Citizen Science in Ecology in India


India print edition available on: Amazon India

International print edition available on: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


Based on research conducted over a year and a half, First Steps is the first account of its kind that documents, maps and analyses the rapidly growing field of Citizen Science in ecology in India. It presents important elements of what has happened in recent years through a study of 17 such projects and sets the stage for what might be expected in the years to come.

Managing A Million Missions


India print edition available on: Amazon India

International print edition available on: Amazon US 

eBook available globally on Amazon Kindle


“This book is an invaluable resource of tools for NGO leaders facing challenges in managing their worthwhile missions towards success … It is full of practical advice, examples, and tools that are useful to me on a weekly basis. Together, Kumaran and Mathew have over 60 years of experience and expertise in NGO management, training, and leadership, across multiple countries. The publication of this book could not be more timely, given the trends and dynamics in today’s world.”

~ Steve Brescia, Executive Director, Groundswell International, Washington, D.C., USA.

Leaving: How I Set Myself Free from an Abusive Marriage


India print edition available on: Amazon India | Flipkart

eBook edition available on: Amazon Kindle


Chronicling Kanchan’s gradual climb out of the abyss, little by little, day by day, Leaving is the empowering story of how—buoyed by her deep faith in a higher power and single-minded in her determination to protect her children best—she fought relentlessly to build a ramp toward freedom from her abuser. In this memoir, Kanchan clearly lays out the tools and methods she utilized in her pursuit of liberation—and reveals how belief in self and belief in the Universe can not only be weapons of escape but also beautiful foundations for a triumphant, purpose-driven life.